Saturday, August 15, 2009

Top 5 Ways To Improve Your Blog Traffic

If you spend just a short amount of time searching Google you will find endless theories for improving your traffic through to your Blog. But the truth is all you actually want is hard facts not people that don't have Blogs guessing where the traffic comes from. So here it is in black and white the top 5 ways to improve Blog traffic that will work not matter what kind of Blog you actually have.

Twitter - We can't pick up a newspaper or magazine without reading about what Twitter is all about and what it offers online businesses. You really can't get any bigger as far as a traffic engines is concerned it is just like the eBay craze a few years ago where everyone was making huge profits by selling their junk. Just by putting a simple link through to your Blog as an update on Twitter can very easily add you hundreds of hits in just half an hour. If someone retweets your comment you are laughing and please don't ignore what it has to offer your business if you don't get Twitter research it until you do.

Commenting on Blogs - If a person reads one persons Blog they are likely to go off and then read another. Just by spending half an hour a day commenting on Blogs not only creates backlinks for you to indulge but it also brings readers directly over to your Blog. Make your comments interesting and witty this way people will want to know more about you through your Blog. Plus if your Blog doesn't disappoint them they will return over and over again. If the Blog has a top commentators section it is even better comment about five times with totally different comments on their Blog and you will feature in their navigation giving you the best chance for traffic building.

Yahoo Answers - This is a personal favourite of mine and whenever I have ten minutes to spare I will head over to Yahoo Answers to answer a few worthy questions. There are questions on Yahoo Answers about practically everything so stick to the niche of your Blog and in the resource box at the bottom include your Blog domain. If you have a review Blog this works particularly well as you can send them to the review post and lap up all the affiliate sales.

Online Forums - The secret with forums is to limit your time when you are visiting them, half an hour a day passing around your links is a perfect balance. I spent about ten minutes on them three times a day and if someone wants information that relates to a former Blog post I will send them directly to it in general from this I can very easily add 100 to my traffic statistics without even really trying. Have a look on Google for Forums in your niche and once you have set up a profile you can spread the word about what your Blog has to offer.

Creating the best Blog titles - This really is the most important part of your Blog posts and should NEVER be forgotten. When you have a subject in mind tailor it to fit it in with some long tail Google keywords and if you do it properly you will feature in the search engines in a matter of hours adding to your traffic. I wrote a Blog post at the beginning of the year about who to follow on Twitter and it still brings me 50 hits a day through a variety of different keywords with the same main words in it. Your ultimate goal with your Blog should always be to hit Google and quality titles is the easiest way you can possibly find.

Now that you have read this article instead of just leaving it go and put these methods into practice so that you can seriously improve your Blog traffic right now!
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It All Begins With a Dream

Do you have a vision for yourself in one, three or five years? Dreams are the life blood of the Internet. Almost everyone dreams of quitting their job with the idea of being able to start an online business. Some people dream of having a home of their own, sending their children to college, taking enjoyable family outings or even retiring at an early age. Without dreams there would be no airplanes, no telephones, no light bulb. In today's hustle bustle society it has become an alarming fact that most don't even bother with nor have the time for dreaming any more. But we must dream in order to build our future!

Do you have a dream today? It will be of no consequence if your dream is for monetary reasons, power, a luxurious lifestyle, extended periods to spend with the family or ways to make the world a better place. Your dream is your guide to your end result. Without a dream there can be no end result.

It has been said that all successful people are huge dreamers. They can predict what their future will hold for them. They concentrate and work every day toward their vision, goal or purpose.

Conduct your thoughts everyday imagining what is possible not what should have been. Write a list of your dreams, goals and inspirations. Organize your list in priority order. Take action on your first dream. Concentrate your efforts on this dream and see it through to the end.

Always remember; You must have a dream to make a dream become reality. You must set your sites towards finalizing that dream into a wish come true and never surrender your dreams.

We all must have a job if for no other reason to keep us occupied. Most people spend the better part of their time working rather than being involved in any of the other activities in their daily lives. On the other hand though, there is also the problem that the majority dislike their employment situation. If you are in this position, you will get great benefit from what I have to say to you.

I truly believe that anybody of average intelligence or better, who applies them self, can become self sufficient conducting online activities. Let me share with you some pointers that I have accumulated during my online presence to help you establish your dream and take action toward realizing that dream.

The Internet really has evolved in the last 5 years. There are numerous jobs that are have opened up that were not imagined five years ago. Numerous people on the Internet will try to persuade you that you do not need a job. A business on the Internet is like any other business. Any business will require your time and devotion to develop. It makes no difference if we are self employed or have an employer; we all have a job to do. We just need to be satisfied with the work we do.

The good news is that there have been more careers created on the Internet than ever before. Just look at all of the possibilities that were not there a few years ago. There were no SEO specialists, pay per click specialists, web page copywriters, eBook composers or any of the other thousands of jobs that have been made necessary by the technology of the Web. You are wondering, just how does this relate to you?

Start by making a list of your areas of expertise, the job you want to do and then do a search for relative sites on the Internet. The opportunities are never ending. You could start by working for someone like a corporation on a freelance basis. This could open up possibilities of developing your own online business. You could also begin with a small venture of your own in a niche of your expertise or one that you are interested in. You could also find a JV partner and form a profitable business. It makes no difference which course you choose, you will discover that the opportunities that the Internet presents to you are endless.

I learned this tidbit of information in an attraction at Epcot in Disney World. If you can dream it, you can DO it! and how true it is.

A world of possibilities is opened to you through your own imagination and dreams.

Explore Your Inner Self. Discover just exactly what do you strive for.

Spend some time alone with yourself and think expansively. If you could do anything, if capital was not an object, what is the one thing you would like to accomplish? Be persistent until you find an answer to this question. When you do come up with that answer, chase it with all your heart. Stay committed to your dream. The biggest failure factor today is FOCUS. We find ourselves in a world of distractions. Stay focused on your dream to its completion.

It could take days, weeks, months or even years before it becomes a reality. But a reality it will become if you strive for it with all your heart. When you know what you really want, you will make yourself into an opportunity magnet for the objects you would like to have. A positive attitude attracts positive results. As you think, so you will become.

Do some research on the answers you come up with

Join forums that are geared towards the area of your expertise. You can learn a lot from some of the forum members. Search the Internet, bookmark some of your favorite sites, and find all that can be found about your dream position. You will be impressed at the endless worthwhile possibilities there are available online.

Don't give up until you nail down the path that makes you both pleased and pays the bills. With sufficient dreaming, you might even become the next Bill Gates or Michael Dell. Your limit of success is determined only by your imagination and willingness to climb to the top.

I will always carry with me what my father told me about doing my best in life. He said; You should always set your sites on what it is that you wish to achieve and model your daily life around the accomplishment of those dreams.

We must never surrender our dreams because having a dream is a wonderful possession indeed.
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Thursday, August 13, 2009

Why All Internet Marketers Must Have Their Own Viral E-books

It is a well known and widely accepted fact, that E-books….FREE E-books…are one of the best weapons in a viral marketing campaign arsenal. Here are four good reasons why this is true today and will continue to be true for the foreseeable future:

1. E-books are cheap to produce and don’t take long to set up. If you have articles that you have already written about the subject you are promoting, you can simply combine these articles into an E-book. If, on the other hand, writing isn’t your forte, you can use rebrandable E-books that have been produced by others. Just use your favorite search engine and do a web search for “rebrandable E-books”. You will get a lot of hits and have many to choose from. One way to distribute these E-books to visitors to your website is to give them as a free gift for subscribing to your newsletter. If your E-book contains material that people will want to share with their friends and family, they will pass it along to them… they will pass it along to others…and you will make money.

2. E-books are capable of reaching a large audience. The only limiting factor is the enthusiasm or the participants. Therefore, it is absolutely vital that your E-book contain something that people will want to share like timely information or humor. Remember that people like to know something that the rest of the world needs to know. They will pass along something that makes them look like they are in-the-know.

3. E-books are a way to sell other products other than the one you originally targeted. For example; if you are selling garden products, your customers could also be interesting in E-books about lawns, trees landscaping, etc.

4. E-books are effective in building your reputation. It is an implied recommendation if you give a quality E-book and users willing pass on to others.
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The Most Powerful Ways To Make Money Online With MySpace

If you haven’t tried MySpace as one of the most successful sources of internet marketing then you are seriously missing out. MySpace is simply one of the most powerful ways to make money online and this is still very much the case now with the phenomenon of Twitter.

In 2006, internet users were shocked to learn that was generating 250% more traffic than Google. MySpace, a social networking website that allowed its members to befriend other people who are subscribed to the same service, became so popular at such a short period of time. Statistics for 2006 showed that 41% of internet users between the ages of 18 and 24 are MySpace members. This is a huge percentage that represents millions of people. And most of these members visit more than five times per day.

What Is MySpace, Exactly?

MySpace is a free membership website where its members can create web pages they can call their own. A web page often serves as a profile page for the member, where he can upload his photos and/or videos, tell the world about his hobbies and philosophies, and share sound bytes of the songs he fancies.

The social aspect of MySpace comes in the form of “contacts.” Each member can invite other members to be his “contacts.” Contacts are like online friends. An invitation to become a contact is tantamount to an act of befriending. Members who are invited to become contacts can either accept or deny the said invitations.

For the purposes of this piece, it’ll be important to note that a member can leave messages on the profile page of any of his contacts. This message can be read by other people who will visit the said profile page.

Also, each member can create groups or join existing ones. Groups are like social communities dedicated to particular subjects, like rock bands, popular actors, engaging hobbies and the likes.

Again, for the purposes of this piece, it’ll be important to know that ach group has its own forum as well as its own bulletin board where the members can post some notes for all the other members of the group to read.

Currently, there are over 2 million groups at MySpace, where almost 7 million forum posts have been made.

Okay. But How Can MySpace Help Me Make Money?

With the volume of traffic that MySpace generates on a daily basis, your online business is sure to benefit if you can get even the minutest share of that pie.

How can you do this?

MySpace is composed of many profile pages. In 2006 alone, at the peak of its popularity, it had over 67 million signups and at one period, was getting 250,000 new members per day.

Now, some of these profiles are more visited than others. Some profiles boasts of more contacts, for example. Some profiles are owned by beautiful people with beautiful photographs to greet their pages’ visitors.

The trick lies in being able to display your link in any of these profiles.

For that, you have to be their contact. You will need your own profile. Thereafter, it’s just a matter of inviting as many people as you can so that they may be your contacts.

Once they are your contacts, you can leave a message on their profile pages where you can likewise leave a link to your website.

This will work in two ways:

1. You will get direct traffic from the people who will get to see your link and click on the same; and

2. You will improve the number of back links for your website. MySpace pages appear prominently well in relevant search engine results.

The other way by which you can use MySpace to market your product or service is by taking advantage of the group feature we have discussed earlier.

You can either join an existing group dedicated to a subject related to the subject of your online business, or create your own group. Selling internet marketing products? Create a moneymakers club. Selling mp3 players? Create a music lovers group. Selling dog grooming eBooks? Create a “pamper your dog” clique.

Once you are a member, or an owner, of a group, you can start posting in the forum or the bulleting board. The same principle applies: make your link visible.

Important Guidelines To Follow

Sounds like hard work, eh? You’re probably wondering if there’s an easier way.

Well, there are easier ways, most definitely. There are programs that will auto-invite and auto-add contacts, which will do the dirty work for you. There are MySpace trains you can join that will keep adding contacts for you for as long as the members keep adding contacts of their own. There are actual services that will undertake to manually invite and add contacts for your profile as well as post messages on the profile pages of your contacts. There are programs that will auto-post messages on the profile pages of your contacts, as well.

Some of these options are legal. Some are ethical. Others can be considered black hat.

Before you consider a particular option that promises to make the job easier, make sure that it doesn’t violate MySpace’s TOS. There are few things more frustrating than getting a million contacts, only to have your account deleted because of some violations.

Here are some essential guidelines that will ensure a proper and efficient MySpace marketing campaign:

• Your promotions should be within the context of social messages. MySpace users have smartened up because of people who have abused the website to blatantly promote their products. They’d immediately consider obvious promotional notes as spam. Sometimes they delete such messages left on their profiles. Sometimes, they report the same to the caretakers of the site, and this may lead to the banning of the erring account. The messages you will leave should maintain a cordial, social nature. Instead of saying “Hey, visit my (link), it’s great,” you can say “Hi (name), I read your profile and was surprised to discover that you like (subject), so perhaps you might want to visit my website at (link).” Personally, being honest also produced great results for me. A message like “Hi (name), I just launched a website at (link) and I’d really, really appreciate it if I can borrow a few seconds of your time for a visit.” The latter isn’t really spam because it’s a sincere invitation.

• You must be able to speak their language. Remember the dominant demographic: 78% of MySpace users are between the ages of 18 and 40. You must make them feel that you know what’s on their mind, that you share their thoughts and their passion.

• Respect the fact that you won’t win all the time. Unless you’re serving a niche that is highly desired by MySpace members – like music, movies, gadgets and the likes – you may encounter a difficult time in converting visitors into paying customers. MySpace is an excellent source of traffic, yes. But such traffic won’t provide a high conversion rate for each and every niche.

MySpace marketing is an aspect of an emergent branch of online business practice, one which is called Web 2.0 advertising. Many believe that Web 2.0 is the future of the internet.

With the success of, we can safely say: that “future” has come.
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Is it Possible to Make Money on The Internet; Could a Free Website Be The Answer?

If you know the proper methods to develop and implement your online business, the chances are good that you can make money online. There are literally thousands of people trying to start a work from home Internet based business every day and unfortunately many of them will fail at their endeavor.

If you want to know why they fail and how you can avoid these pitfalls read this article carefully.

There are three major factors that contribute to failure of internet marketers. Below I will list them and tell you what to look for and avoid when starting an online business.

We live a hurry up, impatient life style

Do you catch yourself standing in front of the microwave; pacing and saying come on after you have put in a bag of popcorn? This is but one example of how we have forgot what life used to be like. There is nothing wrong with wanting to make the most of our time but there are those instances when we should slow down and think a little before we react. Setting up any business, online or not happens to be one of the items that requires a lot of thought process. You must make a simple plan that is developed around your future goals, monetary budget, time that you can allot to your business and a projected date of which you wish to achieve your goals.

Careful planning will be your roadmap that will guide your business and direct it in a successful direction. Do not grab the first opportunity that is presented to you by “John the Marketer” in his inspiring, let’s get started now email. Chances are that anyone that tells you that “you must act now”, ”the offer is for the first 30 customers”, etc. is pumping you full of hype and is most likely not going to be a desirable route for you to take.

Source out several offers that you feel are legitimate offers by doing some searching on the Internet. Narrow your choices down to what you feel are the best five of that group. Research those five in depth to come up with the cream of the crop. A hasty decision up front will result in a lot of your time being wasted along with your money and may also result in a lot of headaches and confusion for you.

Think about what it takes to make it on the Internet

Most people that are new to online business never give any thoughts to the fact that they are venturing into uncharted waters. A line of work that they know nothing about or have no ideas of what is involved to get started, promote or maintain their business. Along with planning, an online business will require a lot of devotion of your time and some cash outlay. No matter though how much time you have to devote to developing your business, you will most likely find that if you do not have good support and training, you will ultimately fail!

Training is the one item that will make or break you. Most of the people who fail to make it on the Internet do so because of the lack of guidance and training. You must find a person that will show you the ropes or you very well may throw your hands in the air and say. I QUIT!! This happens to over 90 percent of people that are trying to make a start. So, while you are making out your list of sites that you want to consider for helping you get started with an online business, give great consideration to the amount of training that you are promised and what the cost of that training will be. For a person just starting on the Internet, training and guidance should be the number one item that they look for.

Making use of all of the tools available to you

If you are just starting out to setup an online business, I am going to recommend that you make use of all of the good free items available on the Internet that you can use to start your business. There are numerous free tools on the Internet that are very useful and then there are those that are let’s say worth what they cost.

There are a couple of free items that I would recommend that you not take advantage of. These two items are a free domain name and free hosting offered for an extended period of time. The reasoning behind this is that a domain name must be purchased from a registar, so if you get a free domain name most likely it will be a subdomain of another domain. A subdomain can be setup free of charge and use of a subdomain is a practice that you should avoid at all costs.

A domain name is not that expensive, usually 10 to 15 dollars per year and it is not worth the grief that you will get with a free domain name. Free hosting for any period longer than about three months is another thing that you should be wary of. If you get free hosting for any longer time than that it will almost undoubtedly spell trouble for your site. I will further explain this.

Hosting accounts that are large enough for a person to offer free hosting have a fairly healthy cost per month if they have the capabilities of handling the numerous accounts that come along with offering free hosting. Anyone who makes an offer of free hosting for an extended period of time is either not going to supply quality hosting or is not going to be in business very long. Either way, your hosting account is in jeopardy.

There are several other helpful tools that you can get free that will help you immensely in the task of developing your online business. The first thing you should look for that will save you a lot of money, time and headaches are free websites. There are a few sites that will give you a free website that is preloaded with article content for drawing traffic to your site. You must have keyword rich and relevant articles on your site for the search engines to index your site and send organic traffic to your site.
Approximately 90 percent of all articles that are included in web sites today are PLR (Private Label Rights) articles. This means that thousands of people could have access to the very same article and you need to reword those articles with some of your own content to keep them from being exact copies of the others that have been published on the Internet.

A free web design will allow you to get your site up and running without any knowledge of Html coding. That will all be done for you if you get a website that is turnkey and has the article content pre installed on the site. Those drop and drag sites that you can use to make a site will soon bury you with language that you do not understand and inevitably you will need to learn Html coding to make your site work and be able to add money making features to your website. Remember also, a free website will allow you to get a website published to the Web with little or no cash outlay.

The next item that you can make good use of is a keyword research program. Google and Keyword Explorer do make available good free keyword tools for you to use. The only problem with Google’s keyword tool is that you really do not get all of the figures to compare the amount of competition that there is for any given search term or keyword phrase. Google shows you a bar graph for competition not actual numbers. These tools are free though and you can make use of them to find the relevant search terms that have fairly high search volumes for drawing targeted traffic to your website.

If you decide on a free website that has article content preloaded on the site and make use of the free keyword tools, you will have all of the tools that you will need to get your site published to the web and indexed with the search engines. This is the time that your devotion for your online endeavor is going to begin coming to the forefront. Once your website has been published to the web, you must go to work and post a few blogs to get your site indexed with the search engines in the least amount of time possible.

There is a great blogging book I recommend to all of my clients and friends. This book will not only give you details of how to post blogs that will be the most effective, it will guide you to free blogging sites that you can make use of to post your blogs. If you are interested in obtaining a copy of this great book, fill out the information form on the home page of my website requesting the link to the blogging book and I will send you this information.

My advice to anyone starting out on the Internet is to make use of any useful tools that are available to you for free because there are so many tools being sold today that cost a pretty penny and do not work any better than some of the free stuff you will find to work with.

Always remember though that finding quality training at the cheapest price possible will be a number one priority. There are sites that will train you for free. Believe me, these sites do exist and you should take advantage of the best offer you can find for good training to develop your website.
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How to Build a Profitable Web Site For Beginners

One of the coolest things I love to do immediately every morning is to check the Internet and find out how much money I made while I was sleeping. It is by far an exhilarating experience to wake up and see that you made money from doing nothing. One of the greatest things about making money on the Internet is that after some bumps in the road you can easily make a full time living and never have to work for that mean boss again.

Imagine waking up, having your Coffee, reading the paper, going to the gym or take a bike ride then come back and check your profits to see that you made some money? Sounds like fairy tale land but millions of people are doing it each and every day and you can too with a little determination and some work.

Now, what gets me the most is when i hear and see all of these Internet sites trying to sell you something claiming you will be rich in 24 hours. It makes me sick to my stomach when i see this because in reality, 99% of these are scams and all they want is your credit card payment so they can make their commission on your hard earned dollar. Sound a little familiar so far?

I have been scammed many times and fell for the bait and suckered into many of these programs throughout my Internet marketing learning experience. It can be very enticing at times when you see a well written article or ad on a web site claiming riches overnight especially if tons of money was put into creating the web site for a true professional look.

I am guessing you are new and want to know where to start?

One of the first and most important things I cant stress enough is to start blogging. is free and it is extremely simple to use. No, it is not a web site but if you learn enough about how to blog, I personally guarantee that when it comes to building your first web site, it will be with much ease than confusion.

Now, Blogger is free but eventually you will want to have your own web site so that you can run and edit it as you please. has the rights to delete anything they wish if need be. Why? Blogger is owned by Google, that's why. Do not worry for now, just start blogging and learn the baby steps before jumping into the more advanced stuff like Html or codes. Now, assuming you have learned a little about blogging and are ready for a web site, below is where you need to be.

If you were to ask me, what are the best tools you need to build a great web site, I would urge you to do it yourself.It is very important to understand how to do this and after some time of bumps and bruises ( which you will get ) you will be well acquainted with the whole structure of web sites and editing.

let's look at the 5 Essential Tools:

The first tool you need to build a great web site is a HTML Editor.

A HTML Editor is a software application to write web pages. There are many different brands on the market, including Microsoft, Adobe Dreamweaver and so on.

With a HTML Editor, you are now able to write content of your pages by adding in the HTML Codes. I strongly suggest you get one soon and start playing around with it. Start to mess around with all of the functions and remember that there is always a help button that will show you the way if you get confused or have a brain fart.

The second Essential Tool you need is knowledge of HTML Codes.

You need to learn some coding.The basic HTML codes you need to know are:

  • Title
  • Body
  • Head
  • Html
  • Headers (H1, H2, H3)
  • Bold
  • Hyperlink
  • Table

Including all of the above, I would recommend to learn format size, color of your font, and background stuff. Go buy a book at Borders if you do not want to stare at a computer all day reading.

The third Essential Tool is a Domain Name.

The domain name is the name of your web site. For example, It is highly recommended to get a domain name ending with a .com. Since there a millions of people starting a web site business, you most likely will not get the domain name of your liking right of the bat. So, try inserting some lines or dashes in between your words. Example:

Expect to pay about $9.00 per year for the domain name which is nothing because once you start making money, you will laugh at that.

The fourth Essential Tool is Web hosting.

The most simplest way to explain what this is by comparing this to a storage container. When you rent a storage container, you pay to have them keep your stuff inside and protected. The more stuff you have, the bigger the container you will need. A web host ( which is very cheap now days ) will contain and store all of your files. simple? That is really all you need to know about web hosting. Unfortunately, you need it in order to have you very own web site.

The fifth and final Tool you need to build a great web site is FTP Software.

FTP Software enables you to transfer data from your computer to your web site on the Internet, and vice versa. There are other ways but they are often complicated and time consuming whereas using FTP Software is the easiest and simplest way.

Good luck on your web site building and your new career in Internet marketing. Thank you for reading this.
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Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Broker sites that pay your blogging

Paid Review, or more popular as paid blogging, is still a source of income for some bloggers at this time. In additional to faster for earning money, the procedure to participate in the paid blogging program is not difficult even for new bloggers. The main term to participate paid blogging program is to have a blog with page rank and good traffic. But, for those of you who participate paid blogging program will always feel worried if Google updates the page rank because the blog participated in the paid blogging program, Google will relatively decrease the page rank.

After I have written some posts about the broker of paid blogging at make money online with and making money by joining with , at this chance, I would like to inform you about the brokers of program paid blogging to join. They are:

  1. SponsoredReviews (SR): the popular paid blogging broker and almost all bloggers participate in this broker, and it is one of my favorite brokers. The commission given is 65% : 35%, it means blogger gains 65% and 35% for SponsoredReviews from the advertiser. The payment for each job is from US$5-$500. In order to get job in SponsoredReviews, Blogger (publisher) has to offer (bidding) the review jobs to the advertisers. The payment system is that blogger gets paid to post once in two weeks through Paypal. Another thing is promising in SponsoredReviews is The Affiliation program with high commission. Want to join? Register now here.
  2. Reviewme (RM): the second broker that I like. Reviewme is paid blogging broker that gives more earnings to bloggers. To get jobs in Reviewme, blogger must compete with other bloggers or we can say, “the faster the winner”. The bid price is from $5-$200 USD with no deducible. The payment is once a month through Paypal, check, or Credit Card Payoneer. To be accepted as publisher in ReviewMe, we have to have a blog with high alexa rank and many feed subscribers. The Page Rank firstly should be 2, after accepted, although the PR is down to 0, the jobs are still available. Register your blog in Reviewme. If the account and blogs has been accepted, there will be the notice on the dashboard that shows the number of job that can be received in a month and for one first blog, it is usually given 10 jobs.
  3. Linkworth (LW): this paid blogging broker is also as popular among bloggers as the two brokers above (read: SponsoredReviews and Reviewme). Linkworth has enough jobs to offer. Linkworth has jobs to offer but has to be accepted by advertisers. Besides that, some jobs are noticed through email. For more clear, read my article. The job prices are from US$5-$100 with commission percentage 70% : 30%, it means 70 % for bloggers and 30% for Linkworth. The payment is given once a month every after the tenth day in the next month through Paypal, check (for citizen of the USA), direct deposit and Wire Transfer. Minimum payout is $25. If you want to register, click here.
  4. Blogvertise (BV): I think all bloggers that hunt dollars will know this broker. Registering in Blogvertise is very easy, blog with PR1 will be accepted although rarely gets jobs. Blog with PR2 and more will be easy to get jobs through email or Grab Bag Task (GBT) if you regularly open your account to get GBT because GBT will be available in certain times. The job price is ranged US$2-$10. The payment is done after 30 days from submitting the job URL. Payment is through Paypal. If you want to register, please do it here.
  5. BuyBlogReviews (BBR): This broker provides enough jobs but the price is relatively small, about US$3-$20. To get job in BuyBlogReviews , blogger has to offer the jobs to the advertisers. The advertiser in this broker will notice to the PR, so blog with bad PR or 0 will be hard to get jobs. The commission given is 70%: 30%. The payment is once two weeks as applied by SponsoredReviews and through Paypal. Want to join? Register here!
  6. LoudLaunch (LL): This blogger is full enough of jobs, moreover, you join the Premium Blogger. But, you must complete the job in 3 hours, so it is not suitable for bloggers with many other jobs. The job price is about US$5 to US$20. The commission is 100% of job offered. The payment is once a month every the fifth day through Paypal. For those of you want to join with LL, you should have blog with PR2 because almost all of the advertiser require the PR2 blogs. Want to register? Click here.
  7. PayPerPost: This broker is the first generation of broker than ever. To get job in PayPerPost, blogger should regularly log in to the site to see if there is a job available there. The price for every job is about US$5-$30. The Payment is once a month with minimum payout US$50. The payment is through Paypal. To register, visit PayPerPost.
  8. Payingpost: This broker is similar with PayPerPost, from job opportunity, the job price, minimum payout, payment system, and more. If you want to try to join woth this broker, please visit the site here.
  9. Smorty: This broker gives enough dollars to blogger. Only lately, the regulation is harder and stricter. PR is not necessary because the price is fixed as US$6 for each job. The payment is once a week through Paypal. Something interesting in Smorty is the affiliation program. The affiliation program is for a lifetime, as long as the blogger referred still get earnings. Curious? Register now here.
  10. Blogitive: This broker determines the price of every job review at US $5 only, although our blog has high PR or best Link Popularity. The payment is done through Paypal once a week. However, the advertiser in this broker is still in small number, so the chance to get job is small too. But if you want to try your lucky, please register here.
  11. BloggerWave: This broker is an old one and provides the job review in “nofollow” link. The price is about US$10. But job in this broker is not many. Besides that, some jobs of some bloggers is late to be paid out. Therefore, some bloggers call this broker as SCAM broker.
  12. PayU2Blog: This broker is still new, but it has improved significantly. If you want to the publisher at PayU2Blog, blog registered should be self-hosting, not from the free hosting such as blogspot and wordpress. The process of register is very easy. The payment will be sent to Paypal once in two weeks. To register, visit here.
  13. BloggingAds: This broker is an old broker in the net. Blog accepted in this broker will make a review job only three times in a month. The price of review post is about US$5. BloggingAds provides review texts/articles that are ready to post including the links to the advertisers. You only need to copy and paste them in your blog then publish. To register, click here.
  14. Other Brokers: Actually, there are still many other brokers, but I don’t know the details of each broker. Therefore, I just give you the link so you can try it yourself to get lucky. Find out at BloggersReview, InblogAds, BloggerTizer, Dewitts Media, LinkyLoveArmy, BlogtoProfit, Creamaid dan BlogPayz.

Remarks: When you register to a broker, please read the Term of Services or FAQ, so you will avoid the mistake because you don’t know the rules applied.

Finally, I finish and complete this article. I hope this information is very useful for us.

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Tuesday, August 11, 2009

5 Common Mistakes to Avoid When Starting an Internet Business

"Learn from your mistakes"................

Most of us have heard this quote before. Whenever we do something wrong we learn from it, and hence we avoid doing the same thing in the future. Mistakes in business can cost a lot of money. Millions of dollars are lost everyday due to crucial mistakes made by business people.

If you know what you are doing, an Internet business is just the thing for you. As easy as it sounds there are still plenty of people who fail in this field. Here are five mistakes that you should avoid if you plan to start an internet business:

1.You will never get anywhere if you do not launch. You might think that this is so easy to avoid, but believe me this is the most common mistake new online entrepreneurs make. This is usually seen in entrepreneurs who are starting out and feel that they have complex ideas.

Their idea is sound and makes a lot of sense if you get to hear it. It is so good that you know that success is just around the corner. However, the complexity of the business is what stops the entrepreneur. The closer the business is to completion the more features and more roadblocks the entrepreneur encounters. Clearly, the entrepreneur himself is the worst enemy the business has.

The entrepreneur has poured so much time and money on this project but they are afraid to launch. They are afraid to be judged.

2. Save money through good research. There are two types of entrepreneurs. First type: Group A, these entrepreneurs are people who already have plans; they already know what they want to achieve. Since they already know what they want, they do not rely on anyone for advice. One thing that they want is to have their website published as soon as possible. Group B on the other hand are the aspiring entrepreneurs who are very open to advice and suggestions because they know it will make their business better. It would be advisable if both groups do a preliminary research, which will determine if the business is feasible. The research is more or less 5% of the total cost of the project, however group A rarely chooses to do research. They rely mostly on what they want and what they think is right. Group B is the group who is more open to 3rd party suggestions and is more susceptible to hear out advice.

Oftentimes, the research that is done does not really support their assumptions and in the long run group B abandon the idea all together. This is indeed disappointing it is far better to learn the realities of your market in the research stage than in post launch wherein you already have a lot of money invested. The research stage is the stage wherein entrepreneurs adjust their original idea to account for market realities.

3. The most common type of start-up business is wherein you re-create an existing business. The more successful the business is the more likely it will be re-created by new entrepreneurs. One issue that should be considered is "primping the pump." Say for example, I decide to start an online business I am done launching my website however due to lack of promotion no one comes to the site. Therefore, what I do is just abandon the business altogether. So, one day out of nowhere someone comes and visits the website I put up, this person decides to purchase something. However, since no one was replying to the messages he sent he leaves my website and looks for another one that offers the same product. So you see even if you have the best products online if you do not prime the pump with adequate buyers you will not succeed.

4. Not working hard on it. No one became successful without working hard for it. That is something that you should always remember as an entrepreneur. If you want your Internet business to be a success, you need to work hard for it. Being at home does not give you the right to be lazy especially if you own a business, online or offline. During the first months after starting your business, the results are not so visible yet. Do not be disheartened. All businesses start slow, continue working on it, eventually you will see that your hard work will be rewarded.

5. Lack of promotion. Telling your family and friends about your business is good, but that is not good enough as far as promotion is concerned. Always remember that it costs twice as much to attract new customers than to maintain your existing database.

Both, promotion and marketing are important to any online business. The number of websites grows each day so you have to think of the most efficient way to market your product/ service.

Start action and go to success!..........
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Social Networking Sites as a potential information sources

Social networking sites offer people online a gathering spot to casually share their opinions and interests with other like-minded participants. Recent events however have indicated how effective these online communities are for breaking news on a national and international level.

Although interest or opinions may vary from group to group there still remains a common interest in national or world news. Considering these social platforms connect people from all over the world on a 24/7 basis you're looking at their considerable potential as information sources.

What we're focusing on here is the ability of these social sites to gather and circulate late breaking news. Compared with the more traditional syndicated news networks it can be argued that social network sites are in fact more efficient and expedient in delivering news to the public. Take that CNN! By passing information along through word of mouth using the speed of the internet news that travels this fast is hard to beat.

Let's examine 5 reasons why a social network online can outperform the more traditional news broadcasting networks.

News Collected as it Occurs

Social platforms do not 'assign' people to gather news or information but instead are merely designed to share information or interests. Site members do however possess an insatiable and natural curiosity. Just through sheer numbers members combine to create a catch basin of global proportions. As a result they are capable of collecting information of little or great consequence anywhere in the world on a 24/7 basis.

Information Transmitted Fast

Any information picked up either through heresy or observation is usually immediately 'released' on the internet. To date there is no more efficient means with which to dispense information to the general public quicker than the net.

As is often said in basketball, 'Nothing but Net!'

Syndicated networks for the most part still have certain 'hoops' thru which they must 'jump' before releasing information. This may tend to slow their process.

No 'Red Tape' or Protocol

Without the traditional 'red tape' or protocol that syndicated news networks contend with online communities hold an unfair advantage. The legalese involving fair play, accuracy, and ethics do encumber syndicated networks. The lack of such restraints however concerning online communities does 'allow' for information to be dispensed much faster to the general public.

Word Gets Out Quicker

News tends to flow from person to person and often time is simply broadcast to the masses. The net result is that information spreads virally and this word of mouth effect should not be overlook for its efficiency and speed. There is no 'formal' channel through which information is directed which means word is spread continuously, not at scheduled intervals. This process 'increases' both speed and just as importantly exposure.

No Regulated Responsibilities

Within any social network community there is no delegation of duties, responsibilities or authority. You are looking at a world-wide community with the capability of filling any role that may seem appropriate at any given time. From observing an event or translating its meaning to distributing the information this flexibility and spontaneity enables news to be collected and spread like a wild fire.

This lack of structure is built for speed but on the other hand can lead to occasional inaccuracies in reporting facts.

Social networking sites have both the channels and the manpower to deliver late breaking news at lightning speed. Using word of mouth to spread information social sites possess the ability to transmit news unencumbered by any red tape further accelerating the transfer of this information. It is not suggested that online communities replace syndicated news networks as news source but merely that they can compliment them if needed. Social network sites based upon their prominence on the internet possess the potential to be much more than they were designed for and this should not be ignored.
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Blogging to make some money

I don't think that someone do blogging without any purposes. We should be already have an idea that we will write in the blog. Hundreds even thousands ideas will comeout from our head if we can see that there are hundreds or thousands topics come after us to write on the blog.

One most popular topics is about how to make money by online business. This is my main purpose to do blogging by this blog as I ever mentioned before. But it is not my only reason to blog, so many other reason for me why am I doing this.
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First Step to get online

Hello dear onliners.....

This is my new blogspot space to get understand about how to make money online. I will learn how to make money from blog and internet. Let's do the job dude!. I will do some real fights to get more understand how it works, and feel free to share on this blog if u have same idea with me. Don't be shy eventhough you are a newbie for this matter, or if you are an expert in doing it, it's a real honour for me to get some goods direction if get lost in this jungle.

Let's go for succes.....
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